Fire Regulations
As a measure to assist in the control of bushfires, or prevent the spread or extension of a bushfire that may occur, residents who own land within the Shire of Exmouth are required to install firebreaks each year in accordance with the Bush Fires Act 1954. Owners and occupiers of land within the district are advised of firebreak requirements annually through the Shire of Exmouth Firebreak Notice.
This Notice is distributed either with the rates notice, or separately. Once receiving the notice, landowners and occupiers are required to undertake activities within a specified time period to reduce the spread or impact of fire on private lands.
Property inspections are undertaken by the Shire of Exmouth’s Rangers Services every year between 1 November and 30 April the following year to ensure compliance. A minimum of $250 on the spot fine can be issued for non-compliant owners and occupiers.
Please ensure you are aware of the requirements for your land, and assist the Shire and volunteer fire services by undertaking fuel reduction works prior to and during the burning season. For further information on the Notice, contact the Shire of Exmouth Ranger Services on (08) 9949 3000.
Firebreak Variation Application
Restricted Burning Period
A restricted burning period exists all year within the Shire of Exmouth. Fire permits are REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES for any open-air fires greater than 1m3. Permits must be obtained from the Shire of Exmouth on 9949 3000.
Lighting of fires in the open air within the Shire of Exmouth for the purpose of camping or cooking is prohibited on days of High, Extreme or Catastrophic fire danger forecast (this includes gas cooking appliances). Click here to see what today's fire rating is for the Shire of Exmouth.
Gas and Electric Barbecues with an enclosed flame are permitted to be used at any time. Solid fuel barbecues are prohibited on days of Very High Fire Danger or higher.
Alternatives to Burning
Consider the environment and the effect smoke may have on the surrounding community, and whenever practical use alternative methods of fuel reduction like composting, mobile mulching services, or the Qualing Scarp Waste Management Facility, slashing grass or the application of herbicides.
Advice is Available
Further advice on how to protect your home from fire, and when and how to burn off is available from the Shire of Exmouth Ranger Services. If you have any questions contact them on 9949 3000.
For more information on a Total Fire Ban click the link. Further Bushfire safety information can be found here.