Development Assessment Panel (DAP)

A Development Assessment Panel (DAP) is an independent decision-making body comprised of technical experts and elected local government representatives. These panels  determine development applications made under local and regional planning schemes, in the place of the original decision maker.

DAPs are mandatory in Western Australia, and a DAP is created for each local government that has a local planning scheme.

DAPs are responsible for determining development applications where the cost of the development is $10 million in value or higher. An applicant may also elect for a development with a value of between $2 million, and $10 million to be determined by the DAP.

Local Governments remain responsible for receiving, assessing, and reporting on all development applications. Where an application is required to be determined by a DAP, the Shire will forward the application to the DAP secretariat upon receipt, and will then provide a report to the DAP following a technical assessment of the proposal.

The Shire of Exmouth implements a Development Assessment Panel (DAP) to act as an independent decision-making body in determining whether certain development applications should be approved in place of the Local Government Authority and/or the Western Australian Planning Commission. 

Each DAP consists of five panel members, three being specialist members and two local government councillors. They have the power to determine applications for development which meet certain monetary value thresholds in place of the otherwise relevant decision-making authorities.

DAP came into effect at the Shire on 1 July 2011 in accordance with the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panel) Regulations 2011.

The Shire falls under the jurisdiction of the Kimberley/Pilbara/Gascoyne Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP).

Further information on Development Assessment Panels, their roles and responsibilities, application forms and fees can be found here.



The Shire of Exmouth has received a Development Assessment Panel (DAP) application to use and/or develop land for the following purpose and public comments are invited.

Lot No’s: 2 & 557        Street: Yardie Creek Road      Suburb: North West Cape

Proposal: Ningaloo Lighthouse Resort - Tourist Development, Caravan Park, Shop, Restaurant/Cafe, Small Bar & Service Station

Details of the proposal:

Ningaloo Lighthouse Resort - Development Application report

Appendix A - Certificates of Titles

Appendix B - Development Plans

Appendix C - Landscape Plans

Appendix D - Engineering Servicing Report

Appendix E - Sustainability Strategy

Appendix F - Access Management Strategy

Appendix G - Bushfire Documents

Appendix H - Heritage Impact Statement 

Appendix I - Visual Landscape Impacts 

Appendix J - Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan

Appendix K - Lighting Management Plan

EPA Section 38 Referral

The DAP application was initially advertised until 30 July 2021.

The application was referred under s.38 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and is currently being assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). For further information please visit the EPA’s website:

Ningaloo Lighthouse Resort Project | EPA Western Australia

A decision on the application cannot be made until the EPA has finalised its assessment. Accordingly the DAP application is currently deferred until further notice.


For further information please contact the Shire of Exmouth on 9949 300 or via email

last updated 29 April 2022


Frequently Asked Questions