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Integrated Planning and Reporting

Three major parties are involved in the development of an integrated plan: the local government administration, the Council and the community. Each party has a unique role and responsibilities for effective and sustainable integrated planning and reporting, with the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 requiring each local government to adopt a Strategic Community Plan and a Corporate Business Plan.

A successful integrated planning and reporting process will deliver the following outcomes:

  • a Strategic Community Plan that clearly links the community's aspirations with the Council's vision and long term strategy
  • a Corporate Business Plan that integrates resourcing plans and specific council plans with the Strategic Community Plan, and
  • a clearly stated vision for the future viability of the local government area.

The framework:

  • recognises that planning for a local government is holistic in nature and driven by the community
  • builds organisational and resource capability to meet community need
  • optimises success by understanding the integration and interdependencies between the components, and
  • emphasises performance monitoring so that local governments can adapt and respond to changes in community needs and the business environment.

The framework and guidelines provide a process to:

  • ensure community input is explicitly and reliably generated
  • provide the capacity for location-specific planning where appropriate
  • update long term objectives with these inputs
  • identify the resourcing required to deliver long-term objectives, and
  • clearly convey long term financial implications and strategies.

Document Centre Results
MINOR REVIEW - Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan 2023 - 2033 - YOUR choice OUR future (12/12/2024) Integrated Planning and Reporting
2024 Community Perception Survey (12/12/2024) Integrated Planning and Reporting
2020 Community Perception Survey (18/02/2025) Integrated Planning and Reporting
2018 Community Perception Survey (18/02/2025) Integrated Planning and Reporting