The Shire of Exmouth values the equal worth of all people and is committed to promoting and ensuring access and inclusion for the entire community and visitors to Exmouth. Whether it is parents with prams, people with disabilities or people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, the Shire are committed to ensuring equal access and best practice principles apply so that all people can enjoy and participate in our great community.
Universal Access and Inclusion Plan
On 26 May 2022, Shire of Exmouth council endorsed the 2022-2027 Universal Access and Inclusion Plan.
During the review period we consulted with people with diverse abilities, carers and service providers, as well those with temporary injuries, the aging community, people with prams, and those who speak English as a second language.
This next plan will focus on Universal Access for all abilities. The feedback from the consultation has been streamlined into themes around which specific strategies will be developed.
The 7 objectives outlined in the plan are set by the WA Disability Services Act (1993) and include goals in the following areas:
- Events and services
- Buildings and facilities
- Information
- Quality of services
- Feedback and complaints
- Public consultation
- Employment
If you are interested in finding out more about the 2022-2027 Universal Access and Inclusion Plan, please contact the Shire on 08 9949 3000 or
Click Here to access the Shire of Exmouth 2022-2027 Universal Access and Inclusion Plan
Advocating for Access and Inclusion
The Shire encourages the community and commercial sectors to provide for the needs of people with disability and can assist with advice or direct you to advisory services on a range of information including accessible building requirements and features, strategy development, web access features and accessible parking requirements by contacting the Shire on (08) 9949 3000 or
To find out information about accessible travel options in Exmouth please contact the Ningaloo Visitor Centre directly on or 08 9949 1176 and
Accessible Information
Shire of Exmouth information can be accessed in alternative formats upon request. Please contact the Shire on 08 9949 3000 or or in person to access this service.
To help you connect with us, Shire Customer Service, Library and Visitor Information service desks now all have Communication Boards. Communication Boards are laminated documents with key symbols to help people with communication difficulties to get their message across. This can benefit those with speech or hearing impairments, those with limited English or those who have challenges communicating with people. Please see a sample of our Communication Boards by clicking on the images below.

How to Access a Beach Wheelchair
Beach wheelchairs are available for loan in the Exmouth and Cape Range region.
Wheelchairs can be accessed by contacting Exmouth Yacht Club on 9949 1549 (leave a message) or for a Beach Trekker Wheelchair in the Town Beach area.

Alternatively, if you are looking for something in the Cape Range National Park, contact Milyering Discovery Centre on 08 9947 8000 or click on the website link for more information on beach wheelchairs at Milyering.

Disability Parking in Exmouth
The Shire provides designated accessible ACROD parking bays at:
- Ningaloo Centre - 2 Truscott Crescent
- Kennedy St Car Park - Kennedy Street
- Car park behind Westpac - Learmonth Street
- Exmouth Business Hub - 22 Maidstone Crescent
- Ross St Mall car park - off Maidstone Crescent
- Paltridge Memorial Swimming Pool car park - Payne Street
- Learmonth Airport
Support for People with Disability
The NDIS provides disability coordination services for people in Australia to plan, organise and access supports and services to enhance participation and contribution to the local community. Currently NDIA provides direct planning services to applicants in Exmouth, while it reviews the roll out of coordination services to our area.
Contact NDIA directly on 1800 800 110 or visit the NDIA website.
Those who are ineligible for NDIS services, may find they can access WA state funded support through the Continuation of Support Arrangements (CoSA). The Disability Services Commission is a government service which employs Local Coordinators to assist people in this category.
For further information contact the Disability Services Commission directly on 08 6167 8131 or visit the Disability Services Commission website.
Rights for People with Disability
The Australian Human Rights Commission, through the Disability Discrimination Commissioner, works with governments, the private sector and civil society to help individuals and organisations understand their rights and meet their legal responsibilities.
The Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Ben Gauntlett, conducts research and encourages reform by leading projects which further the rights of people with disability and enable them to enjoy the highest possible quality of life and community participation.
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) makes it against the law to treat you unfairly because of your disability. You are also covered if you had a disability in the past, may develop a disability in the future or if people think you have a disability.
If you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of your disability, you can make a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission by visiting the Australian Human Rights Commission website.
People With Disabilities (WA) provides non-legal advocacy to people with disabilities in WA. Advocacy is the process of standing alongside individuals to ensure that people are able to speak out, to express their views and uphold their rights. Visit their website for more information or to seek their support.