Your Choice. Our Future.
Exmouth Strategic Community Plan.
A Strategic Community Plan outlines the community's long-term (10+ years) vision, values, aspirations and priorities, with reference to other local government plans, information and resourcing capabilities.
The Strategic Community Plan:
- Establishes the community's vision for the local government's future, including aspirations and service expectations.
- Drives the development of local government area/place/regional plans, resourcing and other informing strategies, for example, workforce, asset management and services, and
- It will ultimately be a driver for all other planning.
Every four years, we have the chance to fully refresh our vision and priorities for the future.

2024 MINOR REVIEW - YOUR Choice. OUR Future.
The Strategic Community Plan is a living document that has a partial review every two years and a major review every four years in order to reflect the community’s changing aspirations and
priorities as suggested by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IPRF) Guidelines.
The 2022 major review, was facilitated by the independent consultancy Localise, and included consideration of legislative requirements, research, trends, and future forecasts, community consultation, and Council direction on key priorities. The Shire has engaged the independent consultant, Localise, for the 2024 minor review to ensure an all-compassing objective review process.
The review identified minor changes to update demographic & statistical information, a new message from the Shire President and Chief Executive Officer, updated dates throughout, plus some minor grammatical text changes. More significantly, the review recognised the need to include a provisional Long Term Financial Plan reflecting updated expected costs and revenue.
- Localise - independent consultancy, specialised in Local Government matters
- Elected Members via a survey
- Executive Leadership Team via a survey
2022 MAJOR REVIEW - YOUR Choice. OUR Future.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of this community engagement? |
Every four years, the Shire and the community have the chance to refresh their vision and priorities for the future.
The result is a new Plan that shows where we are going (looking ten years ahead) and a more detailed and firm plan for the next four years.
Why does the Shire produce these plans? |
They are part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework. All local governments in Western Australia are required to have these plans. They ensure the Shire is well managed and follows the community’s vision and priorities.
The framework also includes plans for assets, the Shire workforce and finances to ensure that the Shire’s commitments are achievable and affordable for the community and that the community’s assets are being properly maintained and renewed.
Can I do the survey and come to a workshop? Or can I only do one of those? |
You can do both. |
What say I want to do the survey but don’t have a computer? |
No problem, you can collect a hard copy from the Shire. |
Who is facilitating the community engagement? |
We have engaged Localise to facilitate the community engagement.
Localise is a reputable and experienced consultancy in community engagement and strategic planning. Councillors and senior staff will also be part of the engagement. We are looking forward to the conversations with everyone.
Should I bring someone with me to the workshop? Or is it better to come on my own?
It works either way! Feel free to come with others or just yourself. |
The Shire of Exmouth is committed to engaging with its community and considering their input when making decisions about the future. For the Major Review in 2022, we engaged on various levels with community members of all ages, stakeholders and agencies involved in shaping our town's future.
So imagine you could step in a Councillors' shoes. Which choices would you make? What would Exmouth's future look like? The Shire of Exmouth is listening; your input will make a difference!
Community members and businesses have been invited to have their say, with surveys available online, as a hard copies and on iPad stations at the Shire offices and Pop-up stalls.
In-person workshops
Localise, the engaged consultancy in community engagement and strategic planning, realised four (4) workshops for our community members, community leaders & local sporting club representatives and stakeholders|agencies, which were held in person at the Ningaloo Centre.
Big Ideas submissions
To enable everyone to highlight their big idea for Exmouth outside of the standardised survey and our workshop sessions, a form and mini-postcards have been made available to the Exmouth community.
Big Idea
Your BIG idea
This collector is closed.
Online Presentation Draft Strategic Plan
In a first for Western Australia, our draft Community Strategic Plan was presented as part of a live online workshop within the Public Comment Period. So no matter where our community members and stakeholders have been on that evening, they have been able to watch the presentation, comment online and be a part of the conversation.
Public Comment Period
The Public Comment period for the Draft Strategic Plan (14 days) commenced on 16 November 2022. Comments about the draft plan are available within this timeframe via email to, directly delivered to the Shire Offices or at the Online Presentation of the draft document on 22 November 2022.
In addition, a web form was created and provided to the community.
The Public Comment Period will be closed 30/11/22 at 2PM. Late submissions won't be accepted.
2020 Minor Review - Exmouth 2030
Accordion Item 1 Content
2018 Major Review - Exmouth 2030
The adoption of the Strategic Community Plan, Exmouth 2030, by the Shire of Exmouth Council in 2018 marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter for us.
Almost 20 per cent of the community participated in the Strategic Community Plan public consultation. This is well above the 10% standard outlined in the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework and Guidelines published by the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries. This engagement gave voice to the community, and your responses gave us valuable insight into your aspirations for the future.
Analysis of community feedback and survey data has led to the development of community priorities for social, economic, environmental, changing demographics and land use, social and leadership in the Shire of Exmouth.
As a new Council, we now have a document that clearly establishes the vision of the community for the future of the Shire of Exmouth. It will be the key strategic document used by the Council to guide decision-making and drive the development of corporate business plans, resourcing and other informing strategies.
We believe Exmouth 2030 provides an appropriate framework to meet our community's current and future challenges.
The Plan takes into account the broad social, cultural, economic and environmental areas and how private industry, government agencies and the community might contribute to achieving the aspirations of our community.
Our thanks go to all those who supported this process and gave up their time to provide their input and help guide the development of this plan. As a Council, we look forward to working in good faith with our community to achieve the aspirations in Exmouth 2030.

Click here to read the Exmouth 2030 Strategic Community Plan
Privacy and Collection of dataThe Shire of Exmouth is committed to protecting your privacy. Any identifiable information (for example, name and address) provided to us for the purpose of this survey are stored separately from any responses and will not be shared with any other data users/parties.We use SurveyMonkey for the collection, aggregation and analysis of survey data. Please be aware that the information collected in this survey may be transferred and stored securely in the United States or other locations where Survey Monkey has offices and is accessed by the Shire of Exmouth in accordance with Survey Monkey’s terms of use and Privacy Policy.Please contact Coordinator Communications & Marketing Sandra Flint ( | 08 9949 3000) if you have any information regarding anything mentioned above.