Temporary Food Stall Application - Exempt

An exemption is provided for community/charitable groups that are conducted solely for charitable/community purposes and prepare low risk food or a simple BBQ.

The exemption is very specific and only allows simple BBQ’s and low risk food items to be sold. These events can be ongoing, even weekly, however the group must ensure they follow all food safety procedures.

Although the exemption exists for registration, your group must still comply with all the requirements of the Food Safety Standards (FSS). All food events must be notified (form attached) to the Shire and an assessment will be conducted to ensure the activity is within the exemption. Please be aware inspections may be performed on your event to ensure all requirements are met.

A confirmation message will appear once the form is submitted please retain this as evidence of submission.


If you have any questions or concerns with the application process please contact Shire of Exmouth Environmental Health Services on 9949 3000.

If you are unable to meet all the requirements below for an exempt food business please contact the Shire for more information or fill out Temporary Food Stall Application Form*This field is required.

Please indicate the stall structure*This field is required.
Have you had a food stall before?*This field is required.
Have you completed I'm Alert food Safety Training program? (available free through shire website)*This field is required.

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