Local Planning Scheme 4 Amendment 11 Available For Inspection Standard Amendment

Published on Wednesday, 15 January 2025 at 9:19:00 AM

Local Planning Scheme 4 Amendment 11 Available For Inspection Standard Amendment

Notice is hereby given that Taylor Burrell Barnett has prepared the above-mentioned Local Planning Scheme Amendment seeking the reclassification of Crown Lot 510 on DP 427828 Willersdorf Road, Exmouth to a ‘Tourism’ zone with Restricted Uses (R4), to facilitate short-stay accommodation and venue with supporting facilities.

It was resolved that the Local Government pursuant to section 75 of the Planning and Development Act 2005, amend the above Local Planning Scheme by:

  1. Reclassification Lot 510 on Deposited Plan 427828, Willersdorf Road, Exmouth from ‘Public Open Space’ reserve to the ‘Tourism’ zone;
  2. Amending ‘Schedule 3 – ‘Restricted Uses’ to include R4 and relevant conditions to apply as follows:


Description of Land

Special Use



Lot 510 on Deposited Plan 427828, Willersdorf Road, Exmouth

As a ‘P’ use:

·         Tourist Development

·         Hotel

As a ‘I’ use

·         Reception Centre

·         Recreation – Private

·         Restaurant/café

·         Small Bar

·         Workforce Accommodation


1.     The purpose is to facilitate a low impact tourism development.

2.    Sensitive land uses to be setback minimum 500m from the Water Corporation waste-water treatment plant.

3.    Habitable structures to be setback behind the 100-year horizontal setback datum.

4.    Vehicle access to be obtained from Willersdorf Road only. Vehicle access to the coast to be controlled via existing access from Willersdorf Road to Town Beach.

5.    Preparation of an Environmental Management Plan, in consultation with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and to address the following matters:

      I.        Line of sight modelling of the proposed development, to determine from what locations direct and indirect light would be visible from the Town Beach to the development site. Any portion of a building with line of sight to/from the beach shall be designed to restrict artificial light emission to the satisfaction of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions;

     II.        If required as a result of the line of line-of­ sight modelling findings development would be visible from the Town Beach to the development site, a Lighting Management Plan to be prepared to the satisfaction of the local government in consultation with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions in accordance with the Environmental Assessment Guideline for Protecting Marine Turtles from Light Impacts (EPA 2010) (or as updated) and the Commonwealth Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife - Including Marine Turtle, Seabirds and Migratory Shore birds (Department of the Environment and Energy and Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, 2020) or as updated)  to  ensure  protection  of marine turtle habitats;

    III.        In general, lighting for the development to be designed in accordance with dark sky principles;

   IV.        Control of access to and from the site;

    V.        Five-year periodical review of the Management Plan as required, in consultation with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation  and Attractions


  1. Amending the scheme maps accordingly


Plans and documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment have been published in the following manner:

  • Digital documents and plans are available on the Shire of Exmouth website at exmouth.wa.gov.au
  • A hardcopy of the plans and documents are available for inspection at the Shire’s office, Ningaloo Centre, 2 Truscott Crescent.

Submissions on the planning scheme amendment may be lodged in writing and should include the amendment number, the name and address of the person making the submission, the property affected, and details of the submission and lodged with the undersigned on or before Saturday, 1 March 2025.

Submissions can be:

  • e-mailed to info@exmouth.wa.gov.au
  • posted to Shire of Exmouth, PO Box 21, Exmouth WA 6707
  • lodged in person at the Shire administration office, Ningaloo Centre, 2 Truscott Crescent.

If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please contact the Shire of Exmouth on (08) 9949 3000.


Ben Lewis

Chief Executive Officer