RFQ 02-2020 Septage Ponds Qualing Scarp Waste Site - Consultancy

Published on Friday, 7 February 2020 at 6:00:00 AM

The Shire of Exmouth is seeking quotations from suitably qualified consultancy services for a detailed report on the current operations of the Septage Ponds located at the Shire of Exmouth Qualing Scarp Waste Site including, recommendations, scope of works, design with the future possibility of expansion of the current evaporation pond and the rehabilitation of the old unlined sullage ponds.

The full Specifications and Scope of Works is available by contacting Ms Joanne Gordon, Manager Works on 9949 3083 or via electronic email at mw@exmouth.wa.gov.au

Closing date for the RFQ is 2:00pm Thursday 27th February 2020